Thursday, May 20, 2010

Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

At last, the day is here!

My purpose in posting Mohammed drawings here is not to offend (though it will certainly offend some), but to stand in solidarity with those who have been threatened or attacked as a result of violent threats from religious extremists for depicting Mohammed.

Let me put it another way: If Orthodox Jews threatened or attacked non-Jews for eating bacon, I would happily celebrate "Everybody Eat a Ton of Pork Day."

Civilized nations have freedom of expression, not freedom to go through life unoffended. To those who DO take offense at these, please understand that I am outraged by a hundred religious practices daily- but I certainly don't threaten your life and limb for adhering to them. On the contrary, I support your right to participate in whatever religious observances you like that involve only consenting adults and do not harm others. Don't eat pork. Don't work on Sundays. Don't depict Mohammed- that's cool. But if you think you can threaten others for failing to SHARE your beliefs/practices, you're a loon and I'm happy to offend you.

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